About Our Online Services
By signing up for online services, you will be able to complete a variety of different tasks online rather than having to come in to the practice:
- Book an appointment
- View past and future appointments
- Order recent and regular repeat medications
- View your summary care records
- Access test results
These online services are as safe as online banking as long as you keep your passwords secure, and you can access these services 24 hours a day 7 days a week.
How to Sign Up
You will need to have a username and password created for you, before you can use our online services.
In order to sign up for online services, simply come into the practice and fill in our ‘Register for Online Services’ form, and we will issue you with login details.
- For online access to book appointments, you will not need to bring identification.
- For online access for repeat prescriptions and your medical records, you will need to bring one form of identification.
Forms of identification accepted are:
- Passport and/or Birth Certificate
- HC2 certificate
- Mortgage Agreement
- Utility Bill
- Driving Licence
- Rough sleepers’ identity badge
- Hostel registration/mail forwarding letter
Already Registered?
If you are already registered to use the online services, please go to Patient Access or PATCHS